Have you seen a used car ad informing you that the vehicle being sold is still in the insurance period? If ever, and may intend to buy, you should think again and look for another.
The reason, the insurance will not apply when the car changed hands.
All claims must be based on a pretext. While one of the contents of the agreement in advance is the insurance is only given to the owner whose name is listed in the agreement. This passes for credit operations as well for the already paid or cash car.
The ads that include insurance as one of the completeness of the vehicle, bright Iwan, can be caused because the seller does not understand the mechanism of insurance, or even deliberate for the car quickly sold.
Ideally, people who want to sell a car, should also take care of insurance. Car dealer must report to the insurer. Later, insurance will provide certain calculations that allow car owners to get the rest of the premium.
But if you make a report, money possibility can return to the consumer. For example if the car insures 12 months, and the seventh month is sold, the rest of the month will be calculated and money back to the seller.
So we must be more thorough and selective in seeing used cars with insurance.