Benefits of Having Cars Insurance in Indonesia

Based on data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) or the World Health Organization published in the Global Status Report on Road Safety in 2015, Indonesia in the top 10 list of countries with the highest number of deaths caused by road accidents.

Referring to the data, then have life insurance and the car is a logical choice.
According Kennadi as Business Manager, if someone has a car insurance, then he will get some benefits. Filing insurance even now easier because it can be done by online, The first benefit of the car insurance of course to minimize the loss of car owners.

For example, if an accident causing incidental or consequential damages, lost due to stolen cars, natural disasters and much more.
When using this type of insurance all risk, said Kennadi, it will provide comprehensive protection to the car. Some insurance providers all risk as ACA Car Insurance, Garda Oto, nor Simasnet.

The next benefit the owner of the insurance can be more calm because it has a guarantee in case of accidents or other disasters in the car.
The next benefit, have the same insurance by transferring risk to the car owners insurance companies who have selected.

By paying a premium to the insurance company, the car owner can to transfer became risk protection guarantee car problem to the insurance company of his choice.

As in Indonesia, such as the insurance company Sinarmas or ACA could be an option when choosing the right car insurance products.