Tips for Choosing the Best Car Insurance in Indonesia

Having a car as a personal vehicle certainly makes you need to consider many things, including a variety of ways to maintain and care for her. It is very important you care specifically, remember to get a car you have to spend some money fairly large.
Car goes into assets that have high economic value, so naturally you are considering and make a budget for maintaining them. It is certainly useful to maintain the value of these assets remains in good condition and does not degenerate as a result of the damage and various other risks.

Using Car Insurance

One step you can do to minimize the risk of your responsibility to your car ownership is a way to protect the vehicle insurance. This will help you shift the risks that could occur anytime on your car, such as:

  •  Losses or damage to vehicle / car itself.
  •  Losses arising from liabilities in the form of legal responsibilities that must be fulfilled by the insured against third parties. What is meant by a third party in this case is / others who suffered losses caused by our actions as a driver, for example: people who suffered losses because we hit a vehicle in the street.

Before choosing car insurance, Surely you must know what exactly the kind of protection of the insurance itself. This will help you to understand and get the maximum benefit to the expectations and desires of the insurance itself. The following is type of coveragegiven by car insurance:

·       1. Combined (comprehensive)
      This insurance will provide a guarantee against losses resulting from a defect in part or in whole vehicle which basically occur due to a variety of risks that have been mentioned in the insurance policy.

·        2. Total Lost Only (TLO)
This insurance will only provide coverage for loss (theft of a vehicle) or damage to more than 75% are caused by various risks that have been mentioned in the policy. Thus it can be concluded that the TLO insurance will not provide coverage for damage that occurs light on your car.
On site the best car, You can compare the different types of auto insurance products TLO and All Risk best car insurance from leading insurance firms in Indonesia so that you can get the best car insurance premium and the cheapest.

Today there are many insurance companies that offer vehicle insurance services, this is certainly a better value for your own potential customers, where you will have a lot of options that can be considered before you make a decision. However, large numbers are often backfire and misleading, in which a person becomes confused in making a decision.
You certainly do not want to run into difficulties and losses in the future, is not it? Check out some tips below before you decide to choose and use the servicescar insurance services,

·        3. Select meets the needs
When will decide to buy something, it will be very important to know your requirements first. This also applies when you will decide to use the services of car insurance. Make sure you clearly understand the services and guarantees provided by insurance companies, so you can easily select the best and most suitable to the needs of the car itself.

·        4. Consider Insurance Company Credibility
Do not choose a car insurance company in vain, because this would involve assets that have economic value is high enough and you also do not want to suffer losses due to choose an insurance company that is unprofessional, is not it?

Make sure you choose an insurance company that has a good reputation and satisfactory services as well as easy when filing a claim. This you can do by looking for as complete information about the company, you can do so easily through the Internet.

Check and find out about the ratio of consumer complaints and settlement of services provided by the insurance company, it can be an important consideration for you in making a decision.

·        5. Compare premiums Specified Quantities
Do not just stare at a small premium amount offered by one insurance company alone. There are many insurance companies that offer affordable premiums and lightweight, which means you have a lot of options that can be taken into consideration.

It is important to pay attention to the amount of the premium that you pay, because this expenditure items will be within your financial budget for a considerable period of time, so you need to pay attention to the ability and the amount of money you have for it. Do not until you experience difficulty in paying the premium at a later date.

·         6. Service and Repair Partner Credibility
Consider also the workshop partners owned by the insurance company, because you will be dealing directly with them if at any time something happened to the car you. Make sure these workshops have adequate infrastructure and satisfactory service, so that you feel comfortable and calm when dealing with them.

It is important to pay attention to the number of partner workshops owned by the insurance company, including its location and range of the repair shop of your residence. This will keep you out of trouble in getting the service, so you do not have to waste a lot of time and effort to come to the location of their workshops.

·        7. Features Services Offered
Even though it looks the same, but in fact each insurance company will have the features of different services and its own advantages. This may increase the amount of premium you have to pay, so use only the features that are really you need it.

Before you make a choice, ask the insurance company staff about the various features they have, this could include: a tow truck facilities, procurement of replacement car, a hotline, workshop services, ambulances, and various other services.